Don’t Repeat, Do Dynamic Programming

Akash Chhabra
2 min readSep 2, 2022

Those who don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it!

Dynamic Programming, A topic that scares a lot of people working hard for the interview preparation.
But even after getting intuition the above quote, the topic doesn’t seem an easy task! Even after a lot of struggle, sometimes it is too counter-intuitive.

An Approach

Let us build a roadmap and work according to it, building intuition step by step for every barrier and getting step by step one level up in it.

Let us divide Dynamic Programming into the parts:

Breaking Problem Into Parts

After studying all of the above fundamental problems in the given sequence there is rarely a chance that you will not be able to crack a DP Problem during an interview.

All of the problems have sub-problems completely based on them but are somewhat tricky.

We will do every problem in the following sequence:

Ways to solve the problem

We will discuss every single problem, with one problem in each blog, from top-down to memoized dynamic programming.

Till that, Be Curious.


