Google-Fu, Secret Sauce of Successful developers.

Akash Chhabra
3 min readAug 10, 2022

Mind is a canvas use it to paint it with creativity, don’t use it as a dustbin.

This is something that is always missing in beginner developers, that make them struggle a lot.

Instead of keep asking to experienced/seniors/peers, they need to understand how to google perfectly. So, In today’s article, I will share few tips and tricks (Google Dorks) to improve google searching and make it faster, effective and better.

  1. Search the exact keywords by enclosing it in double quotes.
Use double quotes to get Exact Result

Using Double quotes improve search results in cases like if you want to see how to solve an error, but be smart while using this,put some very specific information in quotes and get ready to have a “No Search Results”.

2. Search data in specific website.

Using site: Google Dork.

This have a very real life usecase, For example you want to get some code related to some work on github, you can simply use

3. Exclude keywords from google search.

Using - google dork

If we want to exclude something from our search results, just use before that keyword and google will completely filter it off.

4. State timings of google search results

You can flexibly get article/websites for that specific year. using before and after search parameters.

5. Using Wildcards.

Using wildcards will be very helpful for finding a variety of topics related to the search and will be very powerful.

6. Defining file type.

To get data for a specific file type, for ex. as shown above trying to do search of pdf files related to google.

Hope it might help getting better in googling, these tricks are really helpful for getting search results accurate and easily.


